Many times, when an injury occurs, the first thought is to send the employee to the Emergency Room. These visits can be very costly, many of which may be unnecessary.
Don’t burden your supervisors with decisions on appropriate medical care. With PMAcare24, immediate assistance from Triage RNs is available 24/7/365 for your employees—including clinical assessments, care direction, and self-care instructions for minor injuries.
- Triage nurses are occupational injury experts, bilingual staff available
- Average speed of answer—30 seconds or less
- Care directed into network providers
- PMA Branded Hotline
- Customizable digital posters and wallet cards
- Triage Call Summary Reports emailed to customer contact(s)
- Coordination with triage for case management intervention
- Uses triage guidelines
- Easy implementation
Our patient-focused model guides injured workers toward healthy recovery and return to work.
Key Benefits Offered by PMAcare24
- Better care for injured workers— treatment recommendations from licensed medical professionals
- Early intervention—prompt identification of claims that may benefit from case management
- Reduced recordable OSHA filings and claims volume
- Reduced total cost of risk
- Increased efficiencies—integrates First Notice of Loss Reporting and eliminates separate claim reporting
- Enhanced network penetration—treatment referrals to clients’ networks
- Document narrative of incident immediately after the injury occurs